Ozone Garnet is a natural sandblasting mineral, derived from Almandine garnet grains which are known for natural hardness and durability. The combination of the high density and physical properties make Garnet nature's most highly efficient, effective and safe abrasive for both wet and dry blasting applications. It's excellent for coating adhesion, as well as applications where low or no transfer of grit into the substrate can be tolerated.


Product Identification

Product names: Garnet
Other names: Ozone Garnet, Ozonejet Garnet


Advantages of Garnet

  • Wide range of grades and compositions are available for different jobs and different profiles on surface
  • Garnet grains create a uniform profile virtually free of embedment, providing an excellent surface for coating adhesion
  • The consumption is low compared to its effectiveness which makes it one of the most cost–effective.
  • Non-toxic – inert and natural, crystalline silica levels are less than 1%.
  • Recyclable up to 4 times
  • Low dust levels helping the environment and the manpower involved in blasting.
  • It helps to clean the surface fast and easily with the desired level of finishing.
  • Its non-reactant,  will not interfere with your coatings
  • Its non-porous and will not draw moisture



  • Tanks and other confined spaces where use of a low dusting abrasive is necessary.
  • Dry docks, Bridges, Shipyards - a great abrasive to use where water contamination is a concern.
  • Aluminum and Fiberglass surfaces
  • Powdercoating, denim blasting
  • Industrial Painting
  • Waterjet Cutting


Typical Mineral Composition

Garnet - Fe3Al2(SiO4)3 : 97.2% Rutile : 0.1%
Zircon - ZrSiO4 :0.2% Ilmenite- FeTiO3 :1.8 %
Calcium Carbonate - CaCO3 :0.10% Quartz - SiO2:0.2%


Typical Sieve Analysis

Sizes % Retained
US Mesh MM 20/40 30/60 80#
#12 1.680 - - -
#20 0.841 1-5 - -
#30 0.595 10-20 0-1 -
#40 0.420 45-65 10-20 -
#50 0.297 5-10 45-65 5-15
#50 0.297 5-10 45-65 5-15
#60 0.250 - 20-35 25-45
#80 0.177 - 0-10 35-55
#100 0.150 - - 0-10

*5-10% variation is allowed in typical sieve analysis


Typical Chemical Analysis

Chemical Name Proportion (%)
Al2O3 ZrO2 21
SiO2 40
FeO 26
Fe2O3 2.9
TiO2 1.0
ZrO2 0.01
P2O5 0.03
Cr2O3 0.04
Th+ U 200 ppm


Other Characteristics

  • Radioactivity......Non-detectable
  • Moisture absorption.......Non-hydroscopic
  • Free Iron......<0.01%
  • Copper......<0.01%
  • Sulphur......<0.01%
  • Other Heavy Metals......<0.01%


Physical Characteristics

Hardness 7.5 to 8 Mohs
Chloride Below 25 ppm
pH >7
Bulk Density 2.34 T/m3
Specific Gravity 4.1
Melting Point 12600C
Grain Shape Sub-angular


Packaging Options

Packaging is available in 8kg, 25kg and 1MT Jumbo Bags. Available in different packages on pallets and in buckets if required.


Country of Origin: India

Ozone Garnet meets all known current chemical limits for Free silica and Heavy toxic metals including ISO 11126-10: E2000. Ozone Garnet is a natural mineral and variation in typical Analysis above is expected.